Calcutta poles & Tubes Co

manufacturing company

In The mid sixties to be more specific in the year 1963, of the last century some young souls nurtured some ideas about forming a small unit in the vicinity of central Kolkata by innovating thought for manufacturing steel tubular pole, made ERW steel tubes. In course of time, they said molecular unit emerged under the name and style of Calcutta Poles & Tubes Co.
Gradually, the unit although not a gigantic one in size but soon achieved recognition as a competitor among the other manufacturers of steel tubular pole of repute, Of course, this could only be possible, by virtue of inflexible ‘ hawk-eye’ concentration in respect of quality and standard of our production. Volume of production was not considered as the guiding factor of the unit compared to the ‘marco’ manufacturing house. Our marketing wing was not reasonably effective which was essential for the purpose of capturing a better market of our product and name.
However, based on technique, skill, attitude and the use of desired quality of raw materials required for the process of manufacture, it was possible to capture the minds of the consuming houses of status. Our product gradually acclaimed to be one of the best approved standards.
Consequently, the users both in public and private sectors oriented consumers apart from the general users were convinced and as a recognition, extended their support and Co- Operation for long.
To reciprocate the gesture and to strengthen the relationship it is our motto to offer our materials having desired standard and quality, so that the goodwill so earned by overcoming industrial hazards and creditability in the days to come.
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